Friday, March 7, 2008

Homeowners At Last!!

We got the keys to our house today and it was SO exciting. I spent hours cleaning and it was FUN... yes I said cleaning and fun in the same sentance!! The boys were loving playing in an empty house and I was loving the idea of making it my own! Oh and I have to say a big THANK YOU to Jess for her help today... you know you have a true friend when they clean a yucky bathroom for you! We move saturday, and then I paint and paint and paint... I cannot wait!!


Jessica said...

Your welcome!! Congratulations on your beautiful new home!!! I can't wait to see it come together over the next few months! I would scrub hundreds of toilets for you Linds! I love you!

Bethany said...

YEAH! I am so happy for you! I know this has been a MAJOR ordeal for you guys! Have fun getting settled...and PAINTING!! It is amazing what a coat of paint does for a makes it a home! I can't wait to come check out all your hard work!


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