Friday, March 9, 2012

From Playroom to Kiddy Office

When house hunting years ago ,I loved that our home had an extra room downstairs that could be used as a playroom for the boys ( Lucy was still a hope in my heart ;) ) and would eliminate a huge amount of toys being in their room. Well FOUR years have passed, and my toddlers are now school age, and my princess prefers to play in her room. So I was left with a cutely decorated room, thats only purpose was toy storage. Very rarely did the kids even enter the room, and the toys within sat untouched until we had friends over, This really annoyed me, and I decided it needed to change. After contemplating what we could do with it without having to buy furniture or paint the walls again, I decided it would become a room for the kids to do homework, sort school papers, and store backpacks and such. So I begged my sweet husband to build a desk, and I started the task of going through ALL THOSE TOYS! Well we pulled it off, and it is exactly what I hoped for! We still have plans to add a reading nook using a pallet, and hubs is building a dress up storage unit, which makes me as excited as I could be! So here it is, the Kiddy Office:

Sorry these pictures are so awful! My camera is having some lens issues and is not cooperating with me lately! Here is a close up of bulletin boards:

 We also decided to add a magnet board to the room. We have stainless appliances, so my kids have never had magnets before. Lucy LOVES this thing, she has been playing with it non stop! I am contemplating painting it with chalkboard paint, but the mess factor worries me a little.
So there is what we have for now. The kids were over the moon, and I love that my kitchen table is no longer covered in paper and folders!!
Happy Weekend!!!



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