My poor little monkey, who jumped off his bed onto his arm, is now left with a Fractured Growth Plate in his elbow! He was quite the little trooper through it all. First, he was telling me he was okay so he could go to school the morning after it happened ( after a trip to school, and a few tears later, he ended up missing school!). Then, he had to go in to do X-rays without me and was SO brave. The next day, he got another round of X-rays and sat still the whole time while they put his cast on! I was one proud Mama!! The news wasn't very good unfortunatly. The joint is fractured, and as long as it stays in it's current place for one week he will only need to wear the cast a few more weeks. If it moves out of place, he will need surgery! A little jump, became a BIG deal! Here is a picture of my little man with his cast: